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Welcome to simplyRevised. A podcast designed to encourage, equip, grow, and strengthen your faith in the Lord. 

Sep 30, 2021

As John 6 begins, we follow Jesus to a mountain. Here, Jesus feeds a large multitude of people with just a few loaves of bread and a few fish. John records these as signs and not miracles. I believe he intends these signs, as N. T. Wright describes, somewhat like a signpost. Signs pointing to the identity of who Jesus...

Sep 16, 2021

Jesus leaves the region of Galilee and travels up to Jerusalem. There was a pool there known as Bethesda. Here, many sick people, blind, lame, and paralyzed gathered at this pool hoping to be healed. Although this healing, or sign, is an important sign, the account becomes much more about Jesus’ healing on the Sabbath...

Sep 7, 2021

Continuing in John’s gospel, we follow two very different conversations. Nicodemus, among the religious elite of his day, and a Samaritan woman, whose life has left her longing to satisfy her thirst. Although these conversations have many different contrasts, John focuses us on the Messiah. In Jesus, we can experience...